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Homeschooling? Don't Break the Budget-5 Tips to Save You Money

This is the time of year every homeschool mom lives for! The sales on all things educational have started! I wanted to give you some Veteran Homeschool Mom Advice….

  1. You are going to want to buy it all.

  2. You will be broke if you do.

  3. Years down the road you will find some things you bought and never used.

Trust me! I’ve been there!

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind before purchasing things for homeschooling:

  1. Make a Budget - You don’t have to spend a ton of money to homeschool, but you can if you want to.

  2. Think about your educational goals- What kind of learning works best for each child.

  3. Plan your curriculum before just purchasing extras- If you have money leftover in the budget after you have curriculum purchased then go ahead and buy some of those extra things you have your eyes on.

  4. Keep some money in the budget to use during the school year- you may find that you need to purchase extra storage for what you have purchased! You may want to purchase a membership to a zoo or children’s museum. That math curriculum may not be a good fit and you want to add some manipulatives midway through the year.

  5. Don’t forget cheap and free resources- The library and your friends are awesome assets! I rarely buy books anymore unless I know it is something we will use over and over again. You and your friends can share many types of educational materials, whether that be games, puzzles, manipulatives, microscopes, etc. You can also find amazing deals at garage sales and thrift stores.


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