Happy Friday! We are so excited to be sharing our favorite books, curriculum, resources, and supplies that we use to homeschool! Each Friday, we will be sharing products we love to use in our own homeschooling adventure. Enjoy these homeschooling items that we can’t live without….and you shouldn’t either!
This Friday, we want to share a resource that will help you keep so many things organized! The ProClick is an easy-to-use binding machine that will help you create so many fun projects for kids and help contain all those papers that start to float around the house!
Terrific ideas for using ProClick with your kids:
Student Planner. We love that we have made our planners using it, but we have also made them for our kids! Each child has their own planner, which includes their weekly assignment sheets as well as reading logs and book lists!

Bind Their Work. We have also found that our kids love it when we bind their work together! Create a portfolio of artwork, bind together all of the activities from a unit study, or make a nature journal.
Make a Book. My 7-year-old son decided he wanted to make a book about animals. He asked me to help him design a cover for him, and we are now working together to make the pages. It’s been awesome to see how excited he is to share his knowledge about the animals, and we are having a wonderful time making up fun activities to go with each animal.

Fabulous Workbooks. Create your own unit by combining all of those printables for a subject into one fun bound workbook.
Yearbooks. What do you do with all of their hard work from the year? Make a yearbook; take their best work from the year and bind it to create a “Best Of” yearbook for each grade.
Yearly Portfolio. It’s an incredible way to keep a whole year’s worth of weekly assignments and book logs together. At the end of the year, we have a record of everything they worked on and read. Definitely a must if you need to keep records or portfolios for your state requirements.
One of the best things about the ProClick is you can add pages at any time and in any order! We are able to add pages to anything throughout the school year!
(Moms can create great things too! Planners, organizers, chore systems, cookbooks, printables, and curriculum storage and organization.)
Bonus Tip: We found that the 1/2”(85 sheet capacity) spines will fit most of our homeschooling needs.
ProClick is so easy to use, small to store, and helps keep everything in one place. It really is an item you will use often, and keep finding new ways to use for your homeschool as well as your home! You will want to check out our other Favorite Friday picks!
Some of the links on our site may be affiliate links. Please visit our disclosure page for full details. We only recommend resources we have found truly helpful in our homeschooling journey.