Happy Friday! We are so excited to be sharing our favorite books, curriculum, resources, and supplies that we use to homeschool! Each Friday, we will be sharing products we love to use in our own homeschooling adventure. Enjoy these homeschooling items that we can’t live without….and you shouldn’t either!
Today we are sharing an item that has endless uses in your homeschool and daily life--a dry erase board! There are endless possibilities with this addition to your home. Every day assignments instantly become more fun when you allow your children to do them on a dry erase board! Math problems, spelling words, dictation sentences, science concepts, history timelines, diagrams, charts, and more. It is also a great place to list (and cross off) assignments, chores, meal plans, and other organizational items. Plus, this board is magnetic, which allows you to create magnetic resources to use in your program.
We love this little starter pack with cleaner, eraser, and markers. This is a great purchase to get you started if you don't have any accessories for your dry erase board.
We have to mention some very important tips that will make your life easier. Over the years, we have learned a few things about dry erase boards and their accessories. Take our word for it and only buy these brands and items we recommend. We are all for saving money and have tried generic or cheaper products and have had bad luck with them. We will list our top picks and must-haves below:
Expo spray cleaner! It does wonders for getting the dry erase boards clean. I ran out about a month ago and thought I would try to make some homemade spray. Nope! My board was still dirty, and the marker didn’t come off with it! Just a few spritzes of the Expo Spray cleaner and our boards are clean!!!
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers! We are sure you use these around the house for other cleaning projects. They are great on walls and doors to get the grime off! They truly sparkle again! Perfect for crayon marks too! (Don’t ask how we know this.) But our favorite use for them is getting our dry erase boards clean. The great thing is you can hand one to your little ones to clean their boards, and you don’t even need spray while they are using them.
Expo Markers! Trust us, do not buy generic or go to the dollar store and buy their markers. We’ve done it. They can stain your boards and dry out way too quickly! We love the chisel tip (thicker) markers for when we are presenting things to our kids. The fine tip markers are fun for the older kids to use or if you want to do handwriting practice on a dry erase board to change things up. We especially love the fun colors in this larger pack. Life is a little bit brighter when it is colorful!
We hope that you will find this dry erase board and accessories valuable as we have. You will want to be sure to check out our other Favorite Friday picks!
Some of the links on our site may be affiliate links. Please visit our disclosure page for full details. We only recommend resources we have found truly helpful in our homeschooling journey.