Need ideas for Brain Breaks?
Not sure what brain breaks are, how they can help you, or when you should use them?
Take a minute to ponder the following questions:

Do you have kids who are getting frustrated or feeling burnt out mid-way through your school day?
Or do you ever have a child look at you with those glazed over eyes that say "I am CLEARLY off in another time and place and have no idea of what we are doing?!"
Did you answer YES to either of them? Then you need ideas for brain breaks! Brain Breaks are a perfect way to add some FUN for your kids (and you!) during your day. Plus, research supports that these breaks increase energy and attention spans. It's a win for everyone! Your kids will look forward to taking these short breaks throughout your school time! Brain breaks will help them (AND YOU) feel motivated to keep learning!

What are brain breaks?
Brain breaks are short pauses taken throughout a student’s study time. They provide a mental break from focusing, which allows for processing time, helping the student to solidify their learning. These breaks range from 3 to 5 minutes.
Why use brain breaks?
This short time is beneficial to students by providing a period to relax from stress or frustration, as well as give kids time to reenergize. It also helps their bodies by stimulating blood and transporting more oxygen to the brain. Research has shown overall benefits include increased attention and productivity!
When to use brain breaks?

The most effective time to take a brain break for elementary students is after 15-20 minutes of concentrated study. Middle school students can typically use a break around 30 minutes of focusing. These are great to use for breaks during classroom lessons, homeschooling, e-learning, or homework time.
Ideas For Brain Breaks
When we use brain breaks with our own kids we find that most activities fit into one of the following categories:

~Mental Activities~
Activities where kids use their minds for a different purpose than what they have been focusing on. Ideas include:
tongue twisters
skip counting
mental games

~Physical Activities~
Activities where kids participate in a physical activity to give their minds a break from concentrating. Ideas include:

~Mindfulness Activities~
Activities where kids participate in an activity that has them focus on their present state. Ideas include:
focus on feelings
Want More Ideas For Brain Breaks?
We have got you covered! These exciting examples are part of the Ideas For Brain Breaks Starter Set and will provide you with 60 activities perfect for elementary students. Plus there are 3 additional seasonal sets for added fun throughout the year! Bundle the sets to get over 130 brain breaks that will last throughout the whole year (and save you time and $$$)!
How to use Ideas for Brain Breaks:
Print, cut, and you are ready to go!
Our brain breaks are color-coded so they are easy to use. One color of cards includes mental and mindfulness activities, while another color of cards provides physical activities ideas.
A title card is included as well as a blank sheet so that you can add your own brain break activities.
These cards fit perfectly in a brightly colored note card box for storage or on a fun metallic ring.
Randomly select a card from the stack or intentionally choose an activity for your students.
You've Got This!
To find out more about the Ideas For Brain Break sets, just click below!